July 2023 - New Feature Review

July 2023 - New Feature Review

As July has come to an end, we are excited to highlight some of the new features on our platform that have been recently implemented. These features aim to enhance your data organization and improve your overall user experience. Let’s take a quick look at them:

Table Variable

The Table Variable is designed to streamline your data organization, especially when dealing with sets of information sharing similar parameters. It stores data in an "array of objects" format and presents it in a cleanly organized table format within the user interface.

To effectively utilize this variable type, you can refer to the Developer Guide for a list of new Table Functions. With these functions, that were specifically designed to work with variables of the Table data type, you can easily calculate aggregates such as the sum, maximum, minimum and average of rows within the table.

Variable Description on Hover

We have added a helpful feature that allows users to view variable descriptions conveniently. When processing an application, simply hover over the variable name to access its description. If a description has been provided for a variable, the tooltip will display the relevant details, providing you with a better understanding of its purpose and usage.

Enhanced TODAY() Function

The TODAY() function has been enhanced to allow users to specify the desired format for the returned date. You can now specify formats such as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy according to your preference.

New UI Indicator for Potentially Malicious Files

We've added the capability to easily identify uploaded documents and files tagged as "potentially malicious"

Task Email Notification Customization

We've included the option to disable standard email notifications when a task is assigned to the Borrower/Co-Borrower/Intermediary.

Variables in "Assign Value" Action

Using variables in the "Value to Assign" field is now available along with using static values.

We hope these new features will help you streamline your data management and processing. As a sneak peek at the plans for the upcoming month, we are also happy to let you know that currently our team is working on an SSO feature that will allow users to log in to the DigiFi platform using their existing identity provider. Keep an eye out for additional updates!

published  August 4, 2023